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C++ Comments

  C++ Comments Comments are the statements that are not executed by the compiler. It is used to provide explanation of code and program. Comments are of two types 1)  Single line comment //               2) Multi line comment /*          */ 1) Single line comment used to expain a single line statement. it starts from double slash // example int i=0 ; //i is a variable 2) Multi line comment used to expalin multiple line of code. it starts from /*  and close with */ /* declare a variable and  display it on screen */ example int i=10;   cout<< i<<endl;  

Jumping Control Statements

Jumping Jump statements are used to interupt the flow of program or exit from the particular sections of the progam.They are of 3 types which are mentioned below:- goto statement continue statement break statement

Looping Control Statements in C++

  Looping A set of statement execute again and again until a particular condition is satisfied. It helps in save time, reduce errors and they make our coder shorter. Loops are of 3 Types for loop while loop do-while loop